The resources that I am going to use to research for my topic, will be books, online encyclopedia's, and websites. However the websites that I am going to use have to contain an author, and before using it I am going to check who wrote it, and when he wrote it. To be sure that it is a reliable source. It is better to use advanced search than the normal google search. This is because if you use the advanced search you can minimize the number of websites they're going to normally show you if you only wrote whatever you want. It is a big time saver, and you can type in what you want and what you don't want. Also you can choose if you want the .edu, .com, .gov etc, you can also choose the type of file you want it to be. It is better to get information from a book or an online encyclopedia than finding a site through a search engine because sometimes the sources are not reliable. Some 6th grader may have wrote the information as an essay or another piece of work. Or it can be someone who wrote a research paper just like you. This is why you have to check the websites your using everytime.
Soldier's Letter
Monday, April 19, 2010
Labels: letter, soldier, warDear Beloved Family,
I am going to tell you the truth this time, the truth about my stay here to go into war. It is not as nice as I tried to persuade you it was. It is horrible, the images that I see during the day, hunt me, and I sleep bad. All the men, and young boys I killed, their faces are now glued to my memories. My consciousness is plenty, I killed too many lives. I pity all of the soldiers killed on the battle field. Everyday I go out to fight, I am scared to never come back, and to be tossed with the other bodies, or even worse never be found again. I fear that the enemies catch me and imprison me. For you to understand better, and have an image of what I am saying, I am going to tell you about my days here. I wake up at 6 AM, after washing my face, I look at well in the mirror, and see if I have changed. I feel different, as if every person I killed changed me. I then dress and get ready on the battle field. When the shots start, adrenaline races through my blood. I don't think anymore. I just act, and try to protect myself and my country. When I see the bodies of my friends and my brothers on the ground nausea overwhelms me. I get mad and try to take revenge from the other side. When I kill someone and I know that I am still here in this world, I am happy. This happiness scares me. Its telling me that I have become a monster for being happy for killing a life. After my day, I go back to the base, and I look at myself once again in the mirror. I see a different me, I am covered with blood and mud. I have suffered of some injuries, and my eyes are red. I try to not cry for all the lives lost in the massacre today. I eat and then go to sleep. I escape from the others and from my haunting thoughts. I escape into the world of dreams. However, I fail to escape, because I relive the memories of the war once again in my dream. Although I feel all of this I try to control myself to not become crazy, and I go on with life. I love you, and I miss you. I will be waiting for your reply with impatience.
With love,
Your Eldest Son
Identifying and Analyzing Alternatives
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Labels: divorce, problem, solving- A problem that would be current is if your parents are divorcing. For example if you want to be with your father, and your mom says that no you can't stay with your father, and that she wants you to stay with her. You'll have to try to find a solution, a compromise, to solve this problem.
- To solve this problem you would tell her that you would pass the weekdays with your father, and the weekends with her. That you didn't want you dad to depress all alone, or get sick, and have no one to count on. She had already taken custody of your sister or brother, so she wouldn't be alone.
- Another arguement that you could use is that you don't want to move because you have all your friends living around you, and the school is closer. That you don't want to fail school, and you want to stay a good student. Parents will not want to hurt your future so they will consent if you use an educational arguement.
- To not hurt either of your parents do not say that you prefer this one or the other. Just be neutral and tell them that your thinking whats best for you and for them. Tell them that if they want to change their lifestyle and not be together anymore its their problem. They should not try to change your life too, and your vision of things.
- This is how I would solve this problem. I would use concrete arguements. Not only one sort of arguement but many.
Progressive Thinkers
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Labels: global warming
Global warming is my issue. A way to solve this problem is by saving energy and not consume it when you don't really need it. For example their are these new light bulbs that use less energy then the normal light bulbs. Also, at home you can turn off the light in the bedrooms when you are not in them. Also we can start recycling recycling objects, and not add trash to our world. For example from a Sidi Ali water bottle you can create many things from its plastic. You can make brooms etc. Another way to solve this problem is by using paper bags at the place of plastic bags. Plastic is the main cause of our problem. The government could make a rule that factories should change their filters every time needed. (The government should give a time period). Also use solar energy at the place of consume the earth's energy. Solar energy is a big time saver. These are some ways to solve the problem of global warming.
Opinion-Editorial Article: Imperialism
Monday, March 15, 2010
Labels: imperialism, negative, positive
Looking back at the start of American Imperialism in the latter 1800s and into the 20th century, in my opinion, the positives outweighed the negatives for American expansionism. It helped the United States a lot. For example when they forced Japan to start trading with the US, it helped because then the US had more resources. When they bought the land or they gained land they used it well, and for a good purpose. It gave people homes, and it helped industry grow. Even though imperialism caused wars, it also helped the country arrive to its goal. Different countries got to know each other and they mingled with each other. They got to know a new cultures and new idea's. Imperialism also helped a lot in the economic factors, it caused growth of industry in Europe, and created a need for natural resources. Undeveloped countries gave them these resources as: rubber, and petroleum. Viewing it from a nationalistic factor, it was a bit of the two, positive and negative. In the latter 1800's nationalists feelings grew stronger in many countries. This caused the European nations to take strong actions and protect their interests. Military advanced the most, its navies and armies had advanced technology, and soon they were far superior than the African and Asian armies. In my opinion the more positive factor is the Humanitarian factor. Colonial officials, doctors and missionaries believed they had a duty to spread the blessings of Western Civilization, including its law, medicine, and Christian Religion. To conclude this is why I think that there are most positive sides to imperialism than negatives.
*The picture I took the original one from google, but then I modified it and deleted and added some stuff to it.
*The picture I took the original one from google, but then I modified it and deleted and added some stuff to it.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Labels: cons, globalization, pros
- Globalization is usually defined as an improvement in technology and in industry. When the world is seen in its best shape, and when big improvements are made on it, that may change people's lifestyle; daily life. Also it changes the economy of the countries. (Make it better, however in some occasions there may be some improvements that would may cause you problems.)Below I am going to list some Pro's and Con's of Globalization:
- More access to the products of other countries.
- There is a steady rate of cash income for developing countries.
- Lots of products are being made, so there are a lot of choices for companies.
- Socially we have become more open and tolerant. We start to have the same celebrations as other countries, such as Halloween.
- Since the countries share financial interests, governments are trying to sort out ecological problems for each other.
- There is alot of technological improvement.
- Europeans are losing their jobs because the companies are outsourcing work to the Asian countries. This is because the cost of labor is lower and it profits the company alot.
- There is pressure on european workers, because they are under the threat that they may lose their job.
- People are changing their beliefs (religions).
- Diseases are propaged more easily now that the countries mingle together.
- There is a threat that corporates may rule over the world since they have alot of power. They have that power due to globalization.
- More access to the products of other countries.
- There is a steady rate of cash income for developing countries.
- Lots of products are being made, so there are a lot of choices for companies.
- Socially we have become more open and tolerant. We start to have the same celebrations as other countries, such as Halloween.
- Since the countries share financial interests, governments are trying to sort out ecological problems for each other.
- There is alot of technological improvement.
- Europeans are losing their jobs because the companies are outsourcing work to the Asian countries. This is because the cost of labor is lower and it profits the company alot.
- There is pressure on european workers, because they are under the threat that they may lose their job.
- People are changing their beliefs (religions).
- Diseases are propaged more easily now that the countries mingle together.
- There is a threat that corporates may rule over the world since they have alot of power. They have that power due to globalization.
Labor Unions in Morocco
Monday, February 8, 2010
Labels: labor unions, laborers
I think Morocco needs labor unions because we are a democratic country, and we need labor unions to defend the interest of the workers. And we have to support the small and medium companies so that there won't be lots of strikes. We need to respect the works code (Code de Travaille). When a company goes over ten people they automatically elect a delegate chosen by the workers. It is the only interlocutor between the workers and the boss. He defends the rights of the workers, however he respects the company where he works. Also, we need labor unions to not have chaotic relationships between the workers and the boss, and work in a light atmosphere. For example, there is a strike today (Monday 8th, 2010) concerning the transportation in general. It was decided by a labor union, first with an assembly, second they send an official statement to warn the authorities (minister of transportation, department of interior, the locality), and the citizens. Another example, is that in some companies people do get too much work hours, and they do not get payed on time. In this situation a labor union should try and solve the problem. Or, a bigger problem out of this small problem might arise. I think that in general every country should have labor unions because they are essential to keep a peaceful atmosphere in the environmental business.
Moroccan's Revolution
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Labels: morocco, revolution
-We can say that Morocco evoluted in overall development strategy. He studied the development strategy, and reached seven poles. I don't know all the poles but I'm going to state three of the poles. First there is the aeronautic industry. A big number of airplanes are now made in Morocco. What we call 'les zone offshore' came and installed themselves in Morocco because of the advantages. The zone is next to the airport, it is called Aeropal. Also, many spare parts of airplane pieces are now made and sold. Next comes the industrialization of automobiles. The companies Renault and Nissan started a project with the Moroccan government. They are going to make factories, and they're going to make about ten thousand per year. Finally the industrialization in communication evoluted too. We now have many different companies that are reiable, and fast. As Maroc Telecom, Meditel, Bayn, and Wana.
Socratic Seminar
Labels: Socratic Seminar
What I liked about the Socratic Seminar was that it was a new method about how to learn from each other. Everybody shared their idea's, and together as a group we moved the dialogue forward. People did not cut each other in the group discussion. It was organized and well managed. Most people agreed with others idea's and they added to them. For example Jehanne said something about credit cards. And Mr. Carpenter added stuff that some of us didn't know. Because I didn't assist to the speeches, I learned many new things that I didn't know before. I would really like to have another of these discussions. Mostly because of where we were having the discussion. Changing places sometimes really helps concentration. The place where we were really helped people's moods. I think that if we started having group discussions outside, the group would be more interested, and the talking would seriously stop. That is what happened that day. (:
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Labels: Nigerian, Terrorist.
Current Event:
A Nigerian Terrorist tried to blow up a plane on December 26, 2009 over Detroit. The suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is 23 years old, and he is a student in University College of London. Abdutallab suffered third degree burning. He also revealed that he had explosive powder taped to his leg and confessed that he tried to use a chemical filled syringe to ignite the powder. However the passengers said that the incident only lasted several minutes. The passenger who helped restrain the terrorist was taken to the University of Michigan Medical Center. His degree of injuries were not revealed by medical staff. Umar Farouk Abdutallab, the terrorist, was taken to the same medical center.
When the authorities tried to understand how the terrorist was capable to board the plane with explosives, the RN-Y told them that it was a fairly sophiscated device, and if it had worked it could have brought the plane down.
I don't understand how could a Nigerian do this, while the Niger is known as a pacific country. And I don't understand how a young scholar got indoctrinated by politicians and that talk about islam. Although the religion of Islam prohibits the violence, and the terrorism. The significance of Islam is Peace.
A Nigerian Terrorist tried to blow up a plane on December 26, 2009 over Detroit. The suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is 23 years old, and he is a student in University College of London. Abdutallab suffered third degree burning. He also revealed that he had explosive powder taped to his leg and confessed that he tried to use a chemical filled syringe to ignite the powder. However the passengers said that the incident only lasted several minutes. The passenger who helped restrain the terrorist was taken to the University of Michigan Medical Center. His degree of injuries were not revealed by medical staff. Umar Farouk Abdutallab, the terrorist, was taken to the same medical center.
When the authorities tried to understand how the terrorist was capable to board the plane with explosives, the RN-Y told them that it was a fairly sophiscated device, and if it had worked it could have brought the plane down.
I don't understand how could a Nigerian do this, while the Niger is known as a pacific country. And I don't understand how a young scholar got indoctrinated by politicians and that talk about islam. Although the religion of Islam prohibits the violence, and the terrorism. The significance of Islam is Peace.
Successes and Failures of Reconstruction
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Labels: failures, successes
- Even though the slaves were free they were not counted as real freedmen. They did not have the right the same rights as the white southerners. For example, they couldn't vote, they didn't have a piece of land, and above all they were illitrate.
- The Blacks and the freedmen did not start out their lives well. Even though they were free they had many ecomomical problems. Some of them stayed with their current master to be fead and have a place where to sleep. Others went out to find work in big cities.
- Although the freedmen had problems intigrating the society. The congress helped by creating the Freedmen's bureau where the freedmen were assisted and helped. They gave out medical supplies, clothing, and meals
- When the Union was united with the seceded states, America evolved. The cities got bigger and had more technology. New kind of transportation was made. It became industrialized, and lots of factories rised.
- Even though the slaves were free they were not counted as real freedmen. They did not have the right the same rights as the white southerners. For example, they couldn't vote, they didn't have a piece of land, and above all they were illitrate.
- The Blacks and the freedmen did not start out their lives well. Even though they were free they had many ecomomical problems. Some of them stayed with their current master to be fead and have a place where to sleep. Others went out to find work in big cities.
- Although the freedmen had problems intigrating the society. The congress helped by creating the Freedmen's bureau where the freedmen were assisted and helped. They gave out medical supplies, clothing, and meals
- When the Union was united with the seceded states, America evolved. The cities got bigger and had more technology. New kind of transportation was made. It became industrialized, and lots of factories rised.
Pgs. 206-211
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Labels: 14 and15th amendment, black codes, Carpetbagger, Radical Reconstruction, reconstruction plan, Scalawag
Black Codes:
Southern States met Johnson's reconstruction demands and were restored to the union. The first order of business in these new white-run governments was to put in Black Codes. The Black Codes were the following: Curfews, Vagrancy Laws, Labor Contracts, and Land Restriction.
14th & 15th Amendment:
14th Amendment: Southern defiance of Reconstruction enraged northern Republicans in Congress. They blamed President Johnson and they put an end to his reconstruction plan. The congress used one of its greatest tools, the power to amend the constitution. So in June 1866, Congressed passed the fourteenth amendment. The amendment said: All people born or naturalized in the US are citizens of the US and of the State where they reside. No state should enforce ant law that would abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the US. Also the State should not deprive the people from life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. They should not deny any person within its Juridiction the equal protection of laws.
15th Amendment: Across the South freedmen were beginning to demand the right to vote, to hold public office, to serve on juries, and to testify in court. So they wrote a letter to the Tennese constitutional convention. The letter received no response but the African Americans and their supporters pressed on. In February 1869 the fifteenth amendment was passed. It stated that no citizen may be denied the vote 'by the US or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Radical Reconstruction:
The congressional Republicans who drafted the Fourteenth Amendment consisted of two major groups. One group was the Radical Republicans. The Radicals were a small group bu they were increasingly influential. Most republicans however say that they are moderate. In politics, being moderate means a person who supports the mainstream views of the party, not the more extreme positions. Moderates and Radicals both opposed themselves to Johnson's Reconstruction policies. They favored the expansion of the Republican party in the South. However, moderates were less enthusiastic about the Radicals goal of granting African Americans their civil rights. Racial inequalities were still common in the North, so the moderates did not want to impose stricter law on the South than those in the North.
Northern Republicans that moved to the postwar south began known as the carpetbaggers. Southerners gave them this nickname because it referred to cheap suitcases that were made of carpet scraps. The name implied that Northerners had stuffed some clothes and rushed in to profit from southern misery. It was said that these men were greedy men seeking to grab power or make a fast buck. Although many historians said that these carpetbaggers were honest, educated men. They included former union soldier, black northerners, Freedmen's Bureau officials, businessmen clergy, and political leaders
In the postwar South, to be white and a southerner, and a Republican was to be seen as a traitor. Southerners called these white southern Republicans scalawag. Scalawag is a Scottish word, and it means 'scrawny cattle'. Some scalawags were former Whigs who had opposed to secession, some were small farmers, and others were former planters. Many scalawags, but not all, were poor. Many southern whites, resented the power of freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags. So they criticized the Reconstruction legislatures as corrupt and incompetent. Though actually the men were honest and dishonest men, qualified and unqualified ones, literate and a few illiterate men. Most historians agree that at that time that these officials there were no worse no better than officials in other regions.
Southern States met Johnson's reconstruction demands and were restored to the union. The first order of business in these new white-run governments was to put in Black Codes. The Black Codes were the following: Curfews, Vagrancy Laws, Labor Contracts, and Land Restriction.
14th & 15th Amendment:
14th Amendment: Southern defiance of Reconstruction enraged northern Republicans in Congress. They blamed President Johnson and they put an end to his reconstruction plan. The congress used one of its greatest tools, the power to amend the constitution. So in June 1866, Congressed passed the fourteenth amendment. The amendment said: All people born or naturalized in the US are citizens of the US and of the State where they reside. No state should enforce ant law that would abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the US. Also the State should not deprive the people from life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. They should not deny any person within its Juridiction the equal protection of laws.
15th Amendment: Across the South freedmen were beginning to demand the right to vote, to hold public office, to serve on juries, and to testify in court. So they wrote a letter to the Tennese constitutional convention. The letter received no response but the African Americans and their supporters pressed on. In February 1869 the fifteenth amendment was passed. It stated that no citizen may be denied the vote 'by the US or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Radical Reconstruction:
The congressional Republicans who drafted the Fourteenth Amendment consisted of two major groups. One group was the Radical Republicans. The Radicals were a small group bu they were increasingly influential. Most republicans however say that they are moderate. In politics, being moderate means a person who supports the mainstream views of the party, not the more extreme positions. Moderates and Radicals both opposed themselves to Johnson's Reconstruction policies. They favored the expansion of the Republican party in the South. However, moderates were less enthusiastic about the Radicals goal of granting African Americans their civil rights. Racial inequalities were still common in the North, so the moderates did not want to impose stricter law on the South than those in the North.
Northern Republicans that moved to the postwar south began known as the carpetbaggers. Southerners gave them this nickname because it referred to cheap suitcases that were made of carpet scraps. The name implied that Northerners had stuffed some clothes and rushed in to profit from southern misery. It was said that these men were greedy men seeking to grab power or make a fast buck. Although many historians said that these carpetbaggers were honest, educated men. They included former union soldier, black northerners, Freedmen's Bureau officials, businessmen clergy, and political leaders
In the postwar South, to be white and a southerner, and a Republican was to be seen as a traitor. Southerners called these white southern Republicans scalawag. Scalawag is a Scottish word, and it means 'scrawny cattle'. Some scalawags were former Whigs who had opposed to secession, some were small farmers, and others were former planters. Many scalawags, but not all, were poor. Many southern whites, resented the power of freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags. So they criticized the Reconstruction legislatures as corrupt and incompetent. Though actually the men were honest and dishonest men, qualified and unqualified ones, literate and a few illiterate men. Most historians agree that at that time that these officials there were no worse no better than officials in other regions.
Article about Civil War
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Labels: african americans, civil war, johnson
The following is true and has been taken from a reliable source. This is some information that I collected that occured after the civil war, and the effects of the war:
The 'scene' after the war when the soldiers returned home was between sorrow and delightfulness. For example, one of the confederate soldiers came home and his dog did not recognize him until he talked to him. The soldiers came back for a cause defeated and in many cases many of their houses were destroyed. When the soldiers came back from were they noticed many changes. First of all, war had destroyed two thirds of the South's shipping industry and about nine thousand miles of railroads. It had destroyed machines, farmland, and many other important stuff. Not only was land and machines destroyed, but also the war had destroyed lives of young and, healthy men: fathers, brothers, and husbands. The survivors of this atrocious war were permanently scarred in mind or body. Children became orphans and married women became widows. Next, they saw that the black southerners were free. Finally, the postwar South was made up of three major groups of people. There were the Black Southerners, the Plantation owners, and the Poor White Southerners. The black southerners as slaves received food and shelter. Some after a a lifetime of forced labor, many found themselves without jobs, homes, and were hungry. Some freed slaves did not choose to work and stayed on the plantations of their masters. Others looked for new jobs in the cities and in the west.
African Americans celebrated their freedom. They were no longer treated as if they were the property of someone, the feeling they felt was overwhelming. During the war enslaved people simply walked out of the plantations. The others that were no longer slaves went looking for their close ones, that were taken from them by slavery. Black leaders new that physical freedom was only a start, that true freedom would come along with economic independence. The freed slaves urged the government to redistribute land. In 1865 general William Tecumseh Sherman set up a land distribution experiment in South Carolina. Soon the President Johnson forced the freedmen out and gave back the lands to the original owners. However, unofficial land distribution took place again. For example a freedman that stayed working at the plantation called Amos Morel bought land with his wages to buy more than 400 acres of land. He then sold pieces to other freemen, and later bought a land for his daughter. African Americans looked after each other to survive. Lots of black organizations arose throughout the South. Historians estimate that in 1860, nearly 90 percent of the black adults were illiterate. However sometimes young white women volunteered to teach them. Also, Charlotte Forten a wealthy black women helped a lot. To help black southerners adjust to freedom congress created the Freedman's bureau. At first the Bureau lacked strong support from the congress. However later on the bureau gave out clothing, medical supplies, and millions of meals to both black and white war refugee's. More than 250,000 African American students got their first formal education in bureau schools.
Andrew Johnson was the president. He got to be the president because first of all he was the vice-president. Also he supported the poor white people. Johnson was the only southern senator to remain in congress after secession. The republicans elected Johnson as Lincoln's running mate to attract democratic voters.
The 'scene' after the war when the soldiers returned home was between sorrow and delightfulness. For example, one of the confederate soldiers came home and his dog did not recognize him until he talked to him. The soldiers came back for a cause defeated and in many cases many of their houses were destroyed. When the soldiers came back from were they noticed many changes. First of all, war had destroyed two thirds of the South's shipping industry and about nine thousand miles of railroads. It had destroyed machines, farmland, and many other important stuff. Not only was land and machines destroyed, but also the war had destroyed lives of young and, healthy men: fathers, brothers, and husbands. The survivors of this atrocious war were permanently scarred in mind or body. Children became orphans and married women became widows. Next, they saw that the black southerners were free. Finally, the postwar South was made up of three major groups of people. There were the Black Southerners, the Plantation owners, and the Poor White Southerners. The black southerners as slaves received food and shelter. Some after a a lifetime of forced labor, many found themselves without jobs, homes, and were hungry. Some freed slaves did not choose to work and stayed on the plantations of their masters. Others looked for new jobs in the cities and in the west.
African Americans celebrated their freedom. They were no longer treated as if they were the property of someone, the feeling they felt was overwhelming. During the war enslaved people simply walked out of the plantations. The others that were no longer slaves went looking for their close ones, that were taken from them by slavery. Black leaders new that physical freedom was only a start, that true freedom would come along with economic independence. The freed slaves urged the government to redistribute land. In 1865 general William Tecumseh Sherman set up a land distribution experiment in South Carolina. Soon the President Johnson forced the freedmen out and gave back the lands to the original owners. However, unofficial land distribution took place again. For example a freedman that stayed working at the plantation called Amos Morel bought land with his wages to buy more than 400 acres of land. He then sold pieces to other freemen, and later bought a land for his daughter. African Americans looked after each other to survive. Lots of black organizations arose throughout the South. Historians estimate that in 1860, nearly 90 percent of the black adults were illiterate. However sometimes young white women volunteered to teach them. Also, Charlotte Forten a wealthy black women helped a lot. To help black southerners adjust to freedom congress created the Freedman's bureau. At first the Bureau lacked strong support from the congress. However later on the bureau gave out clothing, medical supplies, and millions of meals to both black and white war refugee's. More than 250,000 African American students got their first formal education in bureau schools.
Andrew Johnson was the president. He got to be the president because first of all he was the vice-president. Also he supported the poor white people. Johnson was the only southern senator to remain in congress after secession. The republicans elected Johnson as Lincoln's running mate to attract democratic voters.
Effects of War
Friday, November 27, 2009
Labels: civil war, effects, taxes.
During every previous war in American history, presidents demanded sacrifices from the rich and the poor. As Robert Hormat explains in his 2007 book, The price of Liberty : Paying for America's War.
"During most of America's wars, parochial desires--such as tax breaks for favored groups or generous spending for influential constituencies--have been sacrificed to the greater good. The president and both parties in Congress have come together … to cut nonessential spending and increase taxes."
An example of this act happening was in World War 2, federal revenues tripled as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the number of people paying income taxes expanded tenfold, from 3% of the population in 1939 to 30% by 1943.
In 1950 and 1951 Congress increased taxes by close to 4% of GDP to pay for the Korean War, even though the high World War II tax rates were still largely in effect. In 1968, a 10% surtax was imposed to pay for the Vietnam War, which raised revenue by about 1% of GDP. And there was conscription during both wars, which can be viewed as a kind of tax that was largely paid by the poor and middle class. Young men from wealthy families largely escaped its effects through college deferments.
War really affected the people. Some people didn't even accept the idea of war, but they still had to pay taxes. They struggled to keep up with the taxes. Some young Americans didn't even get the chance to go to university because they didn't have enough money. The government kept raising taxes more and more with every war.
"During most of America's wars, parochial desires--such as tax breaks for favored groups or generous spending for influential constituencies--have been sacrificed to the greater good. The president and both parties in Congress have come together … to cut nonessential spending and increase taxes."
An example of this act happening was in World War 2, federal revenues tripled as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the number of people paying income taxes expanded tenfold, from 3% of the population in 1939 to 30% by 1943.
In 1950 and 1951 Congress increased taxes by close to 4% of GDP to pay for the Korean War, even though the high World War II tax rates were still largely in effect. In 1968, a 10% surtax was imposed to pay for the Vietnam War, which raised revenue by about 1% of GDP. And there was conscription during both wars, which can be viewed as a kind of tax that was largely paid by the poor and middle class. Young men from wealthy families largely escaped its effects through college deferments.
War really affected the people. Some people didn't even accept the idea of war, but they still had to pay taxes. They struggled to keep up with the taxes. Some young Americans didn't even get the chance to go to university because they didn't have enough money. The government kept raising taxes more and more with every war.
Ken's Burn Civil War Video
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Labels: civil war, video
More than three million Americans fought in the civil war, and three percent of the population died from it. The war made some people rich and turned others poor. Lincoln rised up to be the best president. Harriet Tubman was an abolutionist. She wanted to stop slavery in Washington, and the Southerners asked for a more effective fugitive slave law. Harriet was the most famous underground railroad conductor. She escaped from Maryland in 1849. She risked her freedom by returning nineteen times to save other slaves, including her parents. She rescued about three hundred slaves. Slaves were not treated very poorly. They were whipped, had severe punishments, mutialted, and sometimes even killed.
The slaves did not rebel alot. However, there is this rebellion that was really marked in time. It was called the Nat Turner's Rebellion. He said it was his mission to kill the enemis with their own weapons. Turner led about thirty slaves on a murderous rampage through Virgina, they killed about sixty men, women, and children. However two months later Nat Turner was found and he was killed. (All the leaders of rebellions would get killed). Because of this rebellion slaves were not allowed to have a proper education.
The slaves did not rebel alot. However, there is this rebellion that was really marked in time. It was called the Nat Turner's Rebellion. He said it was his mission to kill the enemis with their own weapons. Turner led about thirty slaves on a murderous rampage through Virgina, they killed about sixty men, women, and children. However two months later Nat Turner was found and he was killed. (All the leaders of rebellions would get killed). Because of this rebellion slaves were not allowed to have a proper education.
Northern VS Southern Advantages
Monday, November 23, 2009
Labels: advantages, north, south
Northern advantages:
- More technology
- More railroads (movement was quicker)
- Balance between farming and industry
- Twice as many factories (more guns, ammunition, shoes)
- More money in the bank
- Good government, army and navy
- 2/3 of the nation's population was in the North (more people in the army)
- Militiary schools were in the South (trained generals sided with the South
- The Southerners were on the defensive on their land
- Their beliefs also guided them.
How the Abolitionists acted to fight Against Slavery
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Frederick Douglass owned a newspaper that was called North Star. He wrote a story about what he went through and that he wanted the slaves to be free. Next comes Harriet Tubman saved 70 slaves in about 11 years. She also served the Union Army as a spy, scout, nurse, and she cooked during the civil war. She fought against womens rights and slavery. Harriet also bought a house where she let the slaves that ran away hide. Finally but not least there is William Lloyd Garrison. He expressed himself the same way as Frederick Douglass, through his newspaper. He argued on people's freedom.
What and Why is it Important to Study Civil War?
Labels: compromise of 1850, kansas nebraska art, presidencial election
-The compromise of 1850 were five bills that were assigned to slavery.
First they gave texas 10 million dollars to take the land. Texas used the money to pay a debt they had with Mexico.
The second was when the US had won a big amount of land from a war with Mexico. It was then known as New Mexico. The problem then was that the people had to decide if it was a anti-slavery land or a pro-slavery land.
Next came California that was known as a land with a large amount of gold. It wanted to join the US to become a free state. Although there was a problem with the Missouri State that menaced the stableness. So they waited a rejection. However, California was then admitted as a free state.
Then comes the Fugitive Slave Act. It was the most disputed bill. An officer had to arrest a slave that was trying to escape. A slave who tried to escape didn't have rights to have a trial, but they were sent to a comissioner. That commisioner would be paid 5$ if the escapes were released and would be payed double if the slave was sent awayy with a plaintif.
Finally, because Washington, D.C. was the capital, and not only did it allow slavery, it also had the largest slave market in North America. This gave a bad image to the nation,so the slave trade was stopped in the District of Columbia.
-It is important in our study of civil war because California was chosen as a free state while some other states were not chosen. Also, the five bills are equal to the proslaves and the antislaves.
-The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an act passed by the U.S. congress on May 30, 1854. It allowed people that lived in Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they permitted slavery or not.
-This is important in our study of civil war because of this act people from the north got mad and did not accept this act passed. They thought they should continue with the Missouri Compromise. Although, in the proslavery south it was very supported.
The Presidencial election (1860):
-When Lincoln wanted to become president the first thing he did was try to gain the support of the Illinois delegation. His supporters when talked to his family discovered that there was a fence lincoln had helped build 30 years ago. So, Lincoln was now called the rail candidate. Although Lincoln didn't want to be called rail candidate he kept quiet and he made jokes about it. And soon enough he got the support of the Illinois delegation.
-This is important because we need to know who was the president long ago. We need to remember him by what he achieved and not bad stuff he commited.
First they gave texas 10 million dollars to take the land. Texas used the money to pay a debt they had with Mexico.
The second was when the US had won a big amount of land from a war with Mexico. It was then known as New Mexico. The problem then was that the people had to decide if it was a anti-slavery land or a pro-slavery land.
Next came California that was known as a land with a large amount of gold. It wanted to join the US to become a free state. Although there was a problem with the Missouri State that menaced the stableness. So they waited a rejection. However, California was then admitted as a free state.
Then comes the Fugitive Slave Act. It was the most disputed bill. An officer had to arrest a slave that was trying to escape. A slave who tried to escape didn't have rights to have a trial, but they were sent to a comissioner. That commisioner would be paid 5$ if the escapes were released and would be payed double if the slave was sent awayy with a plaintif.
Finally, because Washington, D.C. was the capital, and not only did it allow slavery, it also had the largest slave market in North America. This gave a bad image to the nation,so the slave trade was stopped in the District of Columbia.
-It is important in our study of civil war because California was chosen as a free state while some other states were not chosen. Also, the five bills are equal to the proslaves and the antislaves.
-The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an act passed by the U.S. congress on May 30, 1854. It allowed people that lived in Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they permitted slavery or not.
-This is important in our study of civil war because of this act people from the north got mad and did not accept this act passed. They thought they should continue with the Missouri Compromise. Although, in the proslavery south it was very supported.
The Presidencial election (1860):
-When Lincoln wanted to become president the first thing he did was try to gain the support of the Illinois delegation. His supporters when talked to his family discovered that there was a fence lincoln had helped build 30 years ago. So, Lincoln was now called the rail candidate. Although Lincoln didn't want to be called rail candidate he kept quiet and he made jokes about it. And soon enough he got the support of the Illinois delegation.
-This is important because we need to know who was the president long ago. We need to remember him by what he achieved and not bad stuff he commited.
Article About Moroccon Economics Post
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Labels: article, economic, morocco
Mark Lewis was the person who led the International Monetary Fund mission. It occured in Rabat on November 2nd to 13th. The mission stated the country's economic performance. The statement was said to discuss Morocco's economic performance until now. They said if they wanted to increase the economic growth then they had to aim at increasing productivity, competitiveness of the economy, and boosting Morocco's ability to compete with external markets. However, Morocco's economic performance stays stable.
Mark Newton edited the text.
Citation :
Mark Newton edited the text.
Citation :
Situation where Compromise will not Work
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Labels: E, or S, teenager and P
Teenager's Life:
A compromise that may not work as a teenager is having the consent of your parents to have sexual relationships with your boyfriend, if you are muslim. Your parents will never say yes to their daughter if they are muslim. Whatever deal she tries to make with them the answer always stays the same, NO !! If you ask why they do not leave you they are just going to say well first of all you are muslim, second there are chances you may get pregnant, and finally your virginity is an important item you need to lose with your husband and not with any boy. Parents will never say YES to sexual relationships, especially if you are mluslim.
Social Situation:
Also you can not compromise on the punishment of a killing. If you kill someone then there are consequences. You cannot try to avoid these consequences by bargaining.
It is a crime to kill.
A compromise that may not work as a teenager is having the consent of your parents to have sexual relationships with your boyfriend, if you are muslim. Your parents will never say yes to their daughter if they are muslim. Whatever deal she tries to make with them the answer always stays the same, NO !! If you ask why they do not leave you they are just going to say well first of all you are muslim, second there are chances you may get pregnant, and finally your virginity is an important item you need to lose with your husband and not with any boy. Parents will never say YES to sexual relationships, especially if you are mluslim.
Social Situation:
Also you can not compromise on the punishment of a killing. If you kill someone then there are consequences. You cannot try to avoid these consequences by bargaining.
It is a crime to kill.
Where would I immigrate? Why?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Labels: Migration, to miami
When I am going to finish my studies and I'll have to settle down, I would probably move to Miami. Using ESPRAT+G these are the reasons I came up with:
In miami there is Good Job Employment, and the jobs there are well payed. So, I shouldn't have economic issues. There are a lot of new people to meet, and I really like having friends to talk. Lots of hot males too. (: So soacially there is NO problem. People in Miami are treated equally, there isn't a lot of discrimination from the nation. I don't mind about people's religion. For me everyone is equal and we are all made of blood and bones. I am not very interested in art. There are a lot of rich people there. Stars live there and all. Which means there is a good use of technology. Overall I would move their because of Miamis' geography. It has Beaches, Warm weather, and it is a known place.
Excuse me but the picture doesn't want to be posted to here is a link where you can go and see it:
In miami there is Good Job Employment, and the jobs there are well payed. So, I shouldn't have economic issues. There are a lot of new people to meet, and I really like having friends to talk. Lots of hot males too. (: So soacially there is NO problem. People in Miami are treated equally, there isn't a lot of discrimination from the nation. I don't mind about people's religion. For me everyone is equal and we are all made of blood and bones. I am not very interested in art. There are a lot of rich people there. Stars live there and all. Which means there is a good use of technology. Overall I would move their because of Miamis' geography. It has Beaches, Warm weather, and it is a known place.
Excuse me but the picture doesn't want to be posted to here is a link where you can go and see it:
Main Political Parties in Morocco
Monday, November 2, 2009
Labels: political parties
The largest traditional party is the Istiqlal (independance) party (1943). His leader was Alal Al Fasi. There was also the Party of Renewal and Progress (PRP) and the Organization of Action for Democracy and the People (OADP).The National Entente block was made up of three parties: the conservative Popular Movement (MP), the conservative National Democratic Party (PND), and the centrist Constitutional Union.
Twenty-six political parties participated in the 27 September 2002 elections for the Chamber of Representatives. The USFP took 50 seats; Istiqlal won 48; the Justice and Development Party (PJD) won 42; the National Rally of Independents won 41 seats; the Popular Movement took 27; the National Popular Movement took 18; the Constitutional Union won 16; and 15 other parties were represented. Women were guaranteed 10% of the seats. Two new political parties were recognized by the government for the 2002 elections—the Moroccan Liberal Party (PLM) and the Alliance of Liberties (ADL), which aimed to involve the youth and women in political action. The ADL won 4 seats in the Chamber of Representatives. The Islamist Justice and Development Party trebled the number of its seats in parliament, coming in third behind the USFP and Istiqlal. Justice and Charity, said to be the largest Islamist group, remains banned.
In the 2002 elections, parties were organized in the following blocks: the left-wing block, comprised of the USFP; the Party for Progress and Socialism (PPS), formerly the Communist Party; the Leftist Unified Socialist Party (PGSU), formerly the OADP; and the Socialist Democratic Party. The center-right block is comprised of the Istiqlal Party and the PJD. The Berberist block includes the Popular Movement (MP); the National Popular Movement (MNP); and the Social Democratic Movement (MDS). The conservative block consisted of the National Rally of Independents (RNI) and the Constitutional Union (UC). Driss Jettou was named prime minister.
Twenty-six political parties participated in the 27 September 2002 elections for the Chamber of Representatives. The USFP took 50 seats; Istiqlal won 48; the Justice and Development Party (PJD) won 42; the National Rally of Independents won 41 seats; the Popular Movement took 27; the National Popular Movement took 18; the Constitutional Union won 16; and 15 other parties were represented. Women were guaranteed 10% of the seats. Two new political parties were recognized by the government for the 2002 elections—the Moroccan Liberal Party (PLM) and the Alliance of Liberties (ADL), which aimed to involve the youth and women in political action. The ADL won 4 seats in the Chamber of Representatives. The Islamist Justice and Development Party trebled the number of its seats in parliament, coming in third behind the USFP and Istiqlal. Justice and Charity, said to be the largest Islamist group, remains banned.
In the 2002 elections, parties were organized in the following blocks: the left-wing block, comprised of the USFP; the Party for Progress and Socialism (PPS), formerly the Communist Party; the Leftist Unified Socialist Party (PGSU), formerly the OADP; and the Socialist Democratic Party. The center-right block is comprised of the Istiqlal Party and the PJD. The Berberist block includes the Popular Movement (MP); the National Popular Movement (MNP); and the Social Democratic Movement (MDS). The conservative block consisted of the National Rally of Independents (RNI) and the Constitutional Union (UC). Driss Jettou was named prime minister.
Answers to Question Pgs. 89-98
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Labels: pg.89-95
1) Describe the debate over the nature of government. Compare the view points of Jefferson V.S. Hamilton.
Jefferson was represtenting the strict construction. Which meant that the government should use the implied powers only if needed to. However, Hamilton represented the loose construction. The loose construction is that the government could use the implied powers whatever case they wanted except if it was prohibited by the constitution.
2) What is a Political Party?
A Political Party is a group of people wanting to win elections and hold public office to control the governent policy and program.
3) Describe John Adams presidency. What were some of the difficulties he faced?
John Adams served as a vice president for eighteen years. He had some hard moments because it was hard to govern a young country where the parties are growing wider and wider.
4) Outline the key events of Jefferson's Presidency.
-Inaugurated as the third president on March 4, 1801.
-On December 8, 1801 Jefferson delivers his first address to the newly convened seventh Congress of the United States.
-Reduced taxes and the size of the army.
-Stopped all trade with other countries to decrease the damage.
-Won re-election in 1804.
-Purchased Louisiana back from France in the 1803.
-1808 went to Monticello after retiring.
Jefferson was represtenting the strict construction. Which meant that the government should use the implied powers only if needed to. However, Hamilton represented the loose construction. The loose construction is that the government could use the implied powers whatever case they wanted except if it was prohibited by the constitution.
2) What is a Political Party?
A Political Party is a group of people wanting to win elections and hold public office to control the governent policy and program.
3) Describe John Adams presidency. What were some of the difficulties he faced?
John Adams served as a vice president for eighteen years. He had some hard moments because it was hard to govern a young country where the parties are growing wider and wider.
4) Outline the key events of Jefferson's Presidency.
-Inaugurated as the third president on March 4, 1801.
-On December 8, 1801 Jefferson delivers his first address to the newly convened seventh Congress of the United States.
-Reduced taxes and the size of the army.
-Stopped all trade with other countries to decrease the damage.
-Won re-election in 1804.
-Purchased Louisiana back from France in the 1803.
-1808 went to Monticello after retiring.
My Benjamin Franklin Map (:
Definitions and Their Order
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Labels: define terms
Natural Rights:"(also called moral rights or inalienable rights) are rights which are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of a particular society or polity."
Right of Self Determination:"It is the right of the people of a nation to decide how they want to be governed without the influence of any other country. "
Right of Revolution:"It is a right or duty, variously stated throughout history, possessed by subjects of a state that justifies their action to overthrow the government to whom the subjects otherwise would owe allegiance."
Popular Sovereignty:"A pre-Civil War doctrine asserting the right of the people living in a newly organized territory to decide by vote of their territorial legislature whether or not slavery would be permitted there."
Social Contract:"An agreement among the members of an organized society or between the governed and the government defining and limiting the rights and duties of each."
The most important is Natural Rights.The people are allowed to have their rights and their liberty given above all. Then comes the Right of Self-Determination I think that every person gets to choose if he wants or doesn't want to do something. Right of Revolution passes next if you don't agree with something you should have the rights to disagree and if we don't listen to you, you can rebel. Next comes Popular Sovereignty I think that it comes kind of last because people might be selfish and vote FOR slavery. However, it should not be last because there are good people in this world. Finally, comes Social Contract I don't think it is the most important. However, it is imoprtant for protection and all. Although, I do not agree that they agree to abandon themselves to the government.
Right of Self Determination:"It is the right of the people of a nation to decide how they want to be governed without the influence of any other country. "
Right of Revolution:"It is a right or duty, variously stated throughout history, possessed by subjects of a state that justifies their action to overthrow the government to whom the subjects otherwise would owe allegiance."
Popular Sovereignty:"A pre-Civil War doctrine asserting the right of the people living in a newly organized territory to decide by vote of their territorial legislature whether or not slavery would be permitted there."
Social Contract:"An agreement among the members of an organized society or between the governed and the government defining and limiting the rights and duties of each."
The most important is Natural Rights.The people are allowed to have their rights and their liberty given above all. Then comes the Right of Self-Determination I think that every person gets to choose if he wants or doesn't want to do something. Right of Revolution passes next if you don't agree with something you should have the rights to disagree and if we don't listen to you, you can rebel. Next comes Popular Sovereignty I think that it comes kind of last because people might be selfish and vote FOR slavery. However, it should not be last because there are good people in this world. Finally, comes Social Contract I don't think it is the most important. However, it is imoprtant for protection and all. Although, I do not agree that they agree to abandon themselves to the government.
Critical Questions About Migration
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Labels: Migration


Different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco are that they want to study in the best universities. Some, have economic problems so they look for a better job. They also, want to get to meet new people and get to know their cultures. Some Morrocons are very ambitious and they want to discover the world and its different countries. Others have family problems and they want to escape very far so they go to other countries where there families cannot join them. Others do not like the type of environment they live in so they migrate to other places. Also, people want to make new discoveries so they move to other places. For example, what they are looking for is not in Morocco so they have to go to a different country to discover or find what they are looking for. Others move for breaken hearts or move to join their lover. Finally, people migrate from Morocco to join friends or family.
ESPRAT+G stands for: Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Religion, Arts, Technology and Geography. ESPRAT is a framework used to study Social Studies.
Economics: "a social science concerned with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services."
Sociology: ": the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships."
Political Science: "the study of government and politics."
Relegion: "the service and worship of God or the supernatural."
Arts: "The arts is a broad subdivision of culture, composed of many expressive disciplines."
Technology: "the use of science in solving problems (as in industry or engineering)."
Geography: "a science that deals with the location of living and nonliving things on earth and the way they affect one another."
People from all over the word migrate to Morooco. Mostly they come for geography. Here in Morocco there are beautiful beaches, the best beaches are in Oualidia and El Jadida. Other people go to Ifrane for the snow and there mountains. Moroccon athletes that come from Ifrane always win medals because they practice on the mountains. Other People go to Marakech to visit the monuments and its artchitecture. Also tourists enjoy Morocco's climate and its landscape. They do not only come for our geography but they also come to learn from us, the Moroccans. We have different and interesting cultures. Although, some of us share the same beliefs.
Labels: define mercantilism
Mercantilism is an economic theory that holds that the prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of international trade is "unchangeable." Economic assets or capital, are represented by bullion (gold, silver, and trade value) held by the state, which is best increased through a positive balance of trade with other nations (exports minus imports). Mercantilism suggests that the ruling government should advance these goals by playing a protectionist role in the economy; by encouraging exports and discouraging imports, notably through the use of tariffs and subsidies.
Citation: Podcast
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My podcast is Happy Tree Friends. It is a series of episodes about these little cartoons. The one I chose this time is Happy Tree Friends: Sweet Rides. It is a little bunny who bought an ice-cream. He kept eating it and skating. Then a sweetaholic saw him. So, he followed him on his scooter. However there was a broken tree. The bunny passed with his skate, but the sweetaholicgot caught in a bee trap. The bee's bit him and he died. When the other was looking at him he crashed into the stairs and he got decapitated. Then the ice-cream cone went THROUGH his head!! I really like this serie because it can be disgusting and funny at the same time.
Colonization in Morocco
Monday, September 14, 2009
Labels: Colonization


I see the effects of colonization everywhere in Morocco. For example, the americans brought

Not only did our food evolve!! We also evolved in our dressing. Today, not many of us wear the moroccon clothes. We wear jeans, t-shirts, skirts, dresses, caps..etc that came from other countries. The girls started worrying about their looks and starting following fashion. Every time a knew model go's out we need to buy it. If the other countries did not exist we would not fight for these clothes now. :P We show our moroccon caftans to all the world by using the internet and inviting people etc...
Part of this happened because of technology. Every time we discover something we share it with the world. Now, we can travel all around the worls and meet new people. These people share their idea's with us so when we come back we share it with the others. And the others keep moving the message.

Reasons to Study History
Friday, September 11, 2009
Labels: history reasons
Some reasons to study history are that it is important to know where our culture first started, and who were those that influenced us. By doing so, we gain understanding of our present by studying our past. Also, it ables us to have a lot of futures, because some people want to hire others that graduated from history, since it gives them a perspective to how to maintain problems in situations.
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